National-Socialist Past: In its anniversary year, the University of Hohenheim examines one of the darkest chapters of its 200-year history for the first time

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Standardization of the universities: In 1933, the Nazi government ended the right of professors to choose the president from among themselves. Instead, the “Reich Governor” Wilhelm Murr (in uniform) appointed professor Percy Brigl (with top hat) as president and “Führer of the Hohenheim Agricultural University”. The photo shows them both on the day the presidency was turned over. The ruins in the background are not (yet) from the war but from renovation work. Image: University of Hohenheim Archive

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With the publication “Erschreckend einwandfrei – Die NS-Zeit und ihre Folgen an der Universität Hohenheim” (With Little Resistance - The National-Socialist Period and its Consequences at the University of Hohenheim), Dr. Anja Waller presents a comprehensive picture of the University of Hohenheim’s National-Socialist past and its consequences for the first time. The publication was made possibly with the generous support of the Palm-Stiftung.

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