According to the report published by a national conference on the subject, poverty is on the rise in Germany. Connected with this development, yet often unrecognised, is a trend towrds malnutrition and undernutrition, says Prof. Dr. Hans Konrad Biesalski, a nutrition expert at the University of Hohenheim. "Federal unemployment relief is not sufficient to provide a child with...more
Pathogenic parasites: Bee populations throughout Germany have all been struck by Varroa mites, yet with varying effects. The tiny spider-like parasites feed off the blood of bees, thus contributing to the spread of disease. However, substantial differences have been observed between different regions and bee populations. Researchers at the Agricultural State Institute in...more
Bislang produzieren sie Alkohol für Spirituosen, Essig, die Pharma- und die Kosmetikindustrie: rund 400 mittelständische Destillerien in Deutschland. Künftig könnten sie Getreide- und Kartoffelüberschüsse der EU zu Biosprit vergären, so der Vorstoß eines Forscherduos von der Universität Hohenheim und der Fachhochschule Münster. Kombiniert mit Biogas aus den Abfallstoffen der...more
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