The interaction of bees, bats and birds has a decisive influence on the quantity and quality of macadamia nuts. This is the conclusion reached by an international research team led by the universities of Göttingen and Hohenheim. The effectiveness of animal ecosystem services - pollination and biological pest control- also depends on the altitude of the area and whether it...more
Wind turbines are harmful to health and economically inefficient - such misinformation undermines the social acceptance of wind turbines. However, they are widespread and meet with great approval: over a quarter of respondents in representative studies involving the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart agree with a variety of misinformation. This mainly depends on the...more
Preserving biodiversity without reducing agricultural productivity: So far, these two goals could not be reconciled because the socio-ecological system of agriculture is highly complex, and the interactions between humans and the environment are difficult to capture using conventional methods. Thanks to new technology, a research team at the University of Hohenheim in...more
Whether one looks at long-term climate forecasts or the prediction of storms, drought, and heavy rainfall – the interaction between land and atmosphere plays a major role. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is setting up the “Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI)” research group on this topic at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. The DFG research group’s...more
Rows of plates with tasty tortelloni, with unidentified fillings:
The volunteers participating in a tasting study at the University of Hohenheim tested a new food: microalgae. The taste is reminiscent of fish and the recipe is still being fine-tuned. From a nutritional point of view, the single-cell organisms are veritable all-rounders. Just like marine fish, they are a...more
Plant-based alternatives to dairy products do not have to copy the original – but in addition to tasting good, they should also have a pleasant mouthfeel and a varied product range, according to the results of a recent acceptance study. To obtain the results, the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart surveyed consumers in a total of six European countries. This revealed major...more
(pug) Islands of trees in oil palm plantations can significantly increase farm biodiversity within five years without reducing productivity. This has been shown by a long-term project in Indonesia as part of the collaborative research center "EFForTS" at the University of Göttingen, a project in which the University of Hohenheim and the German Center for Integrative...more
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