Press releases on bioeconomy projects

Showcase Bioeconomy:
Intelligent Robot Helps Preserve Orchard Meadows

Orchard meadows are among the most species-rich biotopes in Central Europe. But many orchards are in acute danger: Since their cultivation is hardly worthwhile from an economic point of view, the vast majority of orchard meadows are not maintained at all or only poorly. As a result, the trees become diseased or die. Regular and professional pruning is required for long-lived,...more

Showcase Bioeconomy:
Meat substitute products: Advertising not appealing to flexitarians

Around 75 million people in Europe eat vegetarian or vegan food, and the trend is rising. The number of flexitarians, i.e. those people who are increasingly concerned about the sustainability of their food consumption and wish to limit their meat consumption, is much greater still. But for many consumers who want to replace products of animal origin partially or completely,...more

Showcase Bioeconomy:
Improving the ecological footprint of bakeries

Starting with the various types of bread to rolls, pretzels, croissants, and pastries - our bakeries offer an almost unmanageable variety of baked goods. However, this variety is often very costly: What has not been sold in the evening ends up in the garbage. This is not only a huge waste of food, but also consumes unnecessary energy. The EIT food project "PrO4Bake" aims to...more

Showcase Bioeconomy:
Research Aims to Combine Species Protection & Palm Oil Production

Oil palm plantations as far as the eye can see. In addition to a dramatic loss of many animal and plant species, such plantations often lead to massive environmental problems. Small-scale farmers in the tropics are also converting from traditional cultivation of their land to economically more attractive land use systems such as these oil palm plantations. A recent study by 41...more

“European Bioeconomy University”:
Six Universities Form International Alliance with Focus on Bioeconomy

JOINT PRESS RELEASE from the Universities of Hohenheim, Bologna, and Eastern Finland, AgroParisTech, BOKU Vienna, and Wageningen University and Research Think Tank for Europe: The six leading European universities in the field of the bioeconomy are planning to join forces in research, teaching/education, and innovation in this subject area. Following the initiative of the...more

Modern Food Biotechnology:
Germany and China Pursue Joint Research Plans

Working together for better food: Chinese and German researchers want to cooperate more closely in the future. To close the past week, at a symposium at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, top scientists in the area of food biotechnology from both countries came to initial agreements on implementing a joint research agenda. Their goal: Developing and improving...more

ISEKI_Food 2018:
Conference with Holistic View of Food Production

For sustainable food production, it is necessary to view the increasingly complex production steps not separately but as a holistic system. This is also the goal of the participants at the fifth international ISEKI_Food Conference. They will meet from 3 to 5 July 2018 at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. The motto of the event during the anniversary Festive Week: “The...more

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Florian Klebs
Media & Marketing (AH)
+49 711 459 22003