Press releases on bioeconomy projects

Meat substitutes and lentil pasta:
Legume products on the rise in Europe

Within the last four years, products containing grain legumes such as beans, lentils or soybeans have registered an increase of 39 % in Europe. Meat substitutes proved particularly successful with a growth rate of 451 % on the European market. These are the results presented ahead of the Global Pulse Day February 10th 2018 with participation of the Europe-wide TRUE research...more

Harvesting the Sun for Power and Produce:
Agrophotovoltaics Increases the Land Use Efficiency by over 60 Percent

Until now, acreage was designated for either photovoltaics or photosynthesis, that is, to generate electricity or grow crops. An agrophotovoltaics (APV) pilot project near Lake Constance, however, has now demonstrated that both uses are compatible. Dual use of land is resource efficient, reduces competition for land and additionally opens up a new source of income for farmers....more

Rankings 2017:
University of Hohenheim Ranked 1st in Agricultural Research & Food Sciences Four Times

In agricultural research and food sciences, all renowned research rankings attest to the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart having the highest level of research in Germany. At the conclusion of the 2017 ranking season, today’s NTU ranking of the world’s best research universities placed the University of Hohenheim 1st in Germany, 5th in Europe, and 15th worldwide. The NTU...more

Phosphorus & Animal Health:
New Research Group Strengthens Animal Research at the University of Hohenheim

Phosphorus is an indispensable nutrient for humans, animals, and plants. But especially livestock usually cannot satisfy their needs with only plant-based feed. To compensate, farmers add phosphorus, which is mined as rock phosphate like salt - which has two disadvantages: The first is that global phosphorus supplies are quickly dwindling. The second is that studies by the...more

Innovation in the European Bioeconomy:
15 million euro project optimizes value chains for miscanthus and hemp

There are three essential conditions for further developing the bioeconomy as a sustainable alternative to fossil oil: sustainable products with strong market potential, a reliable and affordable supply of sustainably produced biomass, and a better link between biomass producers and the processing industry. Other important factors include avoiding competition with food...more

Ancient grain & baking quality:
Largest spelt test to date reveals major differences in quality

High yield, resistance to lodging and disease: These were the priority criteria in the cultivation and breeding of spelt up to now. However, according to the results of the largest spelt test ever with some 160 spelt varieties, this prioritization disregards the requirements of bakers. The evaluation of this trial is now presented by the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart....more

Droughts & Digitalization:
University of Hohenheim Wants to Use Big Data to Protect Against Droughts

Climate change is here, and in Europe droughts and crop failures are already increasing. To arm agriculture, business, and society against this, a research team at the University of Hohenheim is not only relying on plant breeding and adapted cultivation methods. They are looking to find the breakthrough in the increasing digitalization and the Internet of Things. For this...more

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Florian Klebs
Media & Marketing (AH)
+49 711 459 22003