Press releases on bioeconomy projects

Regional Research Alliance:
900,000 Euros Initial Capital for Project to Ensure Stable Yields in Plant Cultivation

Research consortium under University of Hohenheim leadership receives funding from the state program “Regional Research Alliances” / Project partners: University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tübingenmore

DFG Extends Funding:
In Baden-Württemberg, Climate Models of Previously Unknown Precision Are Created

2 million euros for unique approach: German Research Foundation approves another 3 years of funding for University of Hohenheim research groupmore

From the field instead of the factory:
Natural sweetener stevia to be finally ready for the market in 2016

Using genetically modified yeasts a U.S. company wants to produce steviol glycosides, which have nothing to do with the sweet herb from South America. The alternative to this purely artificial product comes from the University of Hohenheim. There, an agricultural scientist is on the verge of bringing a natural state stevia sweetener to the market - thus offering a new...more

Biodiversity Day at Germany's Most Biodiverse Campus

Everybody who loves nature and would enjoy experiencing the diversity of species at our doorstep is welcome. Biodiversity Day is about finding as many plant and animal species within a self-selected area over the course of 24 hours. The target: to tally 1,000 species on the university campus with the help of zoologists, botanists and landscape ecologists of the University of...more

Surprise dish:
Snack event with political message, star chef and nutrition expert

For them it's all about human dignity. Hidden hunger is a largely unknown problem, and not only in poor countries. The poorer members of society in rich countries cannot afford healthy meals on a regular basis, resulting in illnesses. For children, the negative consequences of this range from irreversible health conditions to death. At the event which will take place at the...more

Nutrition expert warns:
"Poverty is giving rise to hidden hunger in Germany"

According to the report published by a national conference on the subject, poverty is on the rise in Germany. Connected with this development, yet often unrecognised, is a trend towrds malnutrition and undernutrition, says Prof. Dr. Hans Konrad Biesalski, a nutrition expert at the University of Hohenheim. "Federal unemployment relief is not sufficient to provide a child with...more

Sick bee populations:
Nearly a quarter won't make it through the winter

Pathogenic parasites: Bee populations throughout Germany have all been struck by Varroa mites, yet with varying effects. The tiny spider-like parasites feed off the blood of bees, thus contributing to the spread of disease. However, substantial differences have been observed between different regions and bee populations. Researchers at the Agricultural State Institute in...more

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Florian Klebs
Media & Marketing (AH)
+49 711 459 22003